I saw a post about Black Friday starting today and thought it must have been a mistake. NOPE! Big retailers (who have made record-setting profits during COVID) are already pushing Black Friday deals, Black Friday weeks, Black Friday pre-sales and more, more, more. All to increase their already massive profits at the expense of small businesses. Meanwhile folks like myself can't afford to offer significant discounts during the holidays because that's when we make most of our money for the year. I personally make between 50-60% of my annual income in November & December each year; yet everywhere there are marketing blogs and Instagram posts urging us to stay competitive and offer sales, free shipping, Black Friday deals, and more. I know I probably sound like a broken record but I like to chime in every now and then to say two things:
1. Small businesses are the backbone of modern-day commerce. We're the ones keeping money in communities and in circulation, not in billionaire's pockets. We're the ones opening brick and mortar spaces instead of closing locations. We're your friends, your neighbors, your family. We're the people you see and shop from every day. And right now, more than any other time of the year, we need your help, whether it's buying online or from a brick and mortar store. Please, if you can afford it*, shop local and shop small.