The Monster Fight card game was an idea I’d been toying with for years; picking it up, working on it, and then putting it aside. Earlier this year I decided to take the plunge and throw myself into it.
I designed the cards and play-tested the game. I met with my friends Becki & Chris from everyday balloons and partnered with them to draw some amazing artwork. I made prototypes and looked at budgets and figured out what it would cost to pay my friends fairly, print the game in the United States, and still make money.
I wrote a press release. I promoted ads. I created content. I emailed everyone I could think of. I submitted it to blogs. I did everything I’ve done for my previous Kickstarters, all of which have funded. And then I launched it.
Right away there was a rush of support from great fans and friends. We were on our way!
And then the project just kind of sat there.
I promoted more ads. I emailed more people. I posted on board game blogs. I reached out. I asked friends and supporters to share the game, tell a friend. I fought against Instagram and Facebook algorithms and waged digital war, trying to get people to notice this game. It had no real effect. And here we are.
So then you ask yourself: are people not seeing the information about the Kickstarter, or are they just not that interested in the game? It’s impossible to know, although a lot of people got the emails, saw the ads, and still didn’t back it.
I could still make this game I researched printing it in China and shipping it here, like many other manufacturers do. It’d be a lot cheaper and I could pre-sell a stripped down version of the game.
But I pride myself on printing locally when I can and when I absolutely can’t, at least working with printers and companies here in the United States. I talked with Becki from everyday balloons, as they stand to make money on the game too. She pointed out that if you go against your business ideals, even if I make some money, I’ll never feel good about it.
So at least for now, the game isn’t happening. Maybe I’ll try to find a cheaper way to make it for the fans who really want to see it. I don’t really know what to do next.
That said, I do really appreciate all the people who backed it, posted about it, wrote about it, and tried to help make Monster Fight happen. You guys are great.
For now, I’ve got to get back to work and find another project. That 2019 calendar isn’t going to make itself.
See you soon, and thank you.