Pittsburgh in Olden Times

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In 2018 a group of brave, handsome people came together with a dream. A dream to publish a book of Alternate Histories prints about the monsterrific history of Pittsburgh and Southwestern Pennsylvania. And so these brave, intelligent people with tremendous posture contributed money and the book was BORNE! Hewn from the living trees and fire of the Three Rivers, this 76 page book was published by Alternate Histories with the thanks of a grateful nation, if not the world itself. Here are the names of these exceptional individuals who came together to Kickstart this dream with their blood, sweat, tears and money:

Aaron Libman
Alejandro Polanco
Amy garbark
Amy Posner
Andrew Sunday
Andrew Terrick
Andrew Volz
Ann C.
Ann L Larimer
Anne R Edwards
Anthony Letizia
Antoinette Palmieri
Armin Tamzarian
Bess Dunlevy
Bob Gould
Bonnie Bogovich
Brandy L Schmidt
Brian Giel
Brian Sierkowski
Briggs Alden
Charles Christiansen
Charles Kottler
Chris Taormina
Christina Burns
Colin Scott Matthews
CommonWealth Press c/o Dan Rugh
Cotton Bureau
David 'Blue' Wendt
David Bowers
David Issod
David Ruskin
Devon Elyse Steven
Duane Warnecke
Duc Pham
Dylan Christopher Payne
Erika Schwab
Felipe Gomez
Ferrex Baldwin
Gareth Anderson
GayLynn Neal
Georgia Abraham
Guest 1357043389
Gwendolyn R. Schmidt
Hank U.
Hot Metal Games
Jameel al Khafiz
James Foreman
James Lesh
Jason Green
Jason Speck
Jeffrey Carpenter
Jeffrey Eaton
Jeffrey Gennari
Jeffrey Rupert
Jeffrey Yewcic
Jenn Scott
Jennifer Causey
Jenny Noa
Jessica Earhart
Jessica Schaefer
Jim Harris
Jocelyn Gerwig
John H. Hillman
John Knott
John Zavinski
Jordan Hammill
Judi Mangan
Kathie Maloney
Keith Stetsko
Kelli Vandergrift
Kerry Lee May
Keystone Serif
Kim Lyons
Kylie Naig
Laurel Walker
Lauren Folkmann
Lesley Rains
Liz Evenson
Mark Matzke
Matt Hannigan
Matt Weber
Matt Wein
Matthew Krupa
Matthew Mitchell
Maurice Forrester
Meadow Fallon
Melinda Cowan Woodard
Michael N Johnson
Michael Robb
Michael Trick
Mike Pound
Mike Wasson
Monica Padamonsky
Nathan Colacino
Patrick Nottingham
Paul Beswick
Peter Kurzweg
Ram Raghunathan
Rob Trevino
Ryan Lasater
Samantha Coffee
Sarah Hamm
Sean Enright
Shawn Eaton
Sonya Gray
Stacey Becker
Stamatis Marinos
Stephanie Richards
Stephen D. Sullivan
Steve Johnston
T.J. Parks
The Brew Gentlemen Beer Co.
Timothy Gyves
Todd Derr
Tom Kim
Tommy Mason
Topher Davila
Traci Belanger
Valerie Miller
Vanessa VanderVelde Beardsley
Victoria Schneider
William C. Beegle 

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