Atomic Cinema!

January 06, 2024

Atomic Cinema!

Announcing...ATOMIC CINEMA!

Ever since I did a reading at Bottlerocket Social Hall with While Whale Bookstore, I've been chatting with the folks there about doing some kind of project together. I love their space, their vintage vibe, the great diversity of events they book, and it just seems like a fun fit.

Finally Chris and I sat down to discuss and what we came up with was ATOMIC CINEMA, a bimonthly (every other month) screening on Tuesdays featuring introductions, games, performances, and other stuff that make these much more than just a movie.

Years and years ago I managed the film program at a performing arts center, and while that was a ton of fun, we were often hampered by our budget & restrictions on what we could do, working as part of a big organization. I love moviegoing, but I also think there's a place for things that enhance the experience, or make it more of a performance. Atomic Cinema is based on a bunch of those ideas I never got to do.

I'm working on some fun stuff coming up, including a supercool 60s sci-fi epic with DJs providing a new score, a drag tribute to one of cinema's greats on his 100th birthday, a night of shorts, and much more. Stay tuned! This is gonna be a ton of fun.

March 26, 7:30pm
Bottlerocket, 1226 Arlington Ave, Pittsburgh, PA
Atomic Cinema returns to Bottlerocket for an astonishing event of science fiction & moody music madness! We’ll be showing Mario Bava’s 1965 PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES, an atmospheric Italian sci-fi shocker with vivid technicolor sets and fetish leather jumpsuits, as DJ Formosa from Jellyfish spins an entirely new soundtrack made up of Italo disco, dance pop, vintage sounds and much more! The film is also an acknowledged influence on Ridley Scott’s ALIEN and it’s a dream to see on the big screen...especially with this new soundtrack! Best of all, the event is FREE!
Click here to reserve your ticket

Past events:

January 23, 7:30pm
Bottlerocket, 1226 Arlington Ave, Pittsburgh, PA
You’ve heard of Godzilla Minus One? Well this is Godzilla Plus FUN! Join us for a FREE night of monstrous mayhem, games, prizes, and a screening of the original 1954 Japanese film that started it all. Hosted by Pittsburgh’s own Yinzilla, and it's FREE! There’ll be games, giveaways, and some secret fun stuff too. Join us on January 23rd at 7:30pm…IF YOU DARE! 
Click here to reserve your ticket

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